Friday, March 15, 2013

Graffiti Bridge- Review

By  Dail Whiteley.

OK for this week I'm going back , sometimes I will do that. There is a reason why it took me 23 years to see Graffiti Bridge. Its awful. Then why am i writing this?. Because I'm here to tell you how bad it is.

So apparently Prince and Morris Day own a club together but they have separate clubs. Now they got the club from someone that died and Morris wants  the whole club to himself. Prince lives  underneath the club and has a fight with a woman he is seeing. She gets mad  ,  goes up stairs. He laughs its off. There is an explosion. I don't know if she died or what , but shes missing from the room that just exploded that looks like only a plant was knocked down and a line of fire did damage to the room because the room looks fine. Then we find out that Morris owns the club with Prince and he has henchmen and they eat hot peppers for comedic effect.

So how does prince respond?.  He one ups Morris on stage by playing one of his lesser known songs. Then Morris gets up on stage , does a song of his and the crowd goes wild. The stupidest bunch of drug addicts  in screen history.  The back n fourth in this movie is too much. The one upping by singing songs no one cares about is painful to watch. Then Morris one ups Prince again by urinating in Princes plant although it's actually lighter fluid and burns up the plant. Prince is kinda phased by it but  you cant really care or tell.

Then a woman appears. She's like Clarence the angel in Its a Wonderful Life only hotter . She does two things in this move. stand and sit. She  is either standing or sitting  and telling Prince some gobbled y gook. I guess she is there to help Prince but the  way he wrote this , I have no idea.

Song after song , back n fourth and comedic bits , Morris tries to buy George Clinton's place because I still don't know why. Prince tells  George not to George signs it .  An older woman starts singing and  a group of people from nowhere start to dance behind her then one of Morris's men goes crazy , gets into a car and starts to drive. The magical woman starts to walk across the street , gets hit by the car , is quickly taken to the hospital , I guess she died because nothing is ever explained in this movie , and Morris is like well the place is yours Prince.

  The place is his.  ta da. Like that. If she was only hit by the car  in the first reel we wouldn't have to put up with the other hour of the movie. And prince sings another song and the woman that was hit by the car is walking away from the camera down an alley , having done her job , i guess.

one star. I want to thank Prince for not making another movie.

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