Tuesday, March 26, 2013


 By Dail Whiteley

I love redbox.  I love going to redbox , love going to its site. A few weeks ago I was going through the coming soon section and  I came across a title I had to see. the title Ooga Booga. the story of a wronged man who turns into a voo doo doll and gets revenge.

A guy in a bad pig outfit named hambo , hosts a kids show ,  gets fired for drinking on the job and he gives a friend of his a statue. its a voo doo doll named Ooga Booga.  Before he visited his friend , he was happy because he got a job or something. So he goes to celebrate by going into a convenience store to get a Slurpee and three guys rob the store and shoot the clerk. the guy goes to help the man out and 2 cops come in and accuse him of shooting the clerk and the one cop is racists and shoots the guy ,  the guy bleeds onto the doll and the Slurpee machine goes bonkers  and ta da! the guy comes back as Ooga Booga.
Ooga comes back to his girlfriend and sits on the couch and smokes. We find out that a judge and the bigot cop are framing people and  the guys that robbed the store are in with them.
The girlfriend is out walking home when she gets robbed and assaulted buy the three bad guys and she goes home to take a shower  and we she her wash off while  Ooga is touching himself.  Its how this movie is  for the first half he's the hero but he sits around and smokes and jerks off while shes in the shower.                  So  she tracks down the bad guys through their landlady. Ooga sees she has sambo dolls , gets upset and pokes the landlady in the eye.  He finds a key with the tag : opens every door on it is states and gives it to the girlfriend.
 She finds the apt. and she takes them out  Bronson style while Ooga drops this big metal pot thing and burns one of them to death.
The bad cop stops by  and finds them dead, hes pissed , the judge is pissed.
The bad cop is waiting at the girlfriends apt waiting for them. He hist the girlfriend , Ooga tries to distract him , cop tries to shoot Ooga , Ooga takes him down and stabs him in the ear with his stick.
Now comes the touching scene where it's time for him to go and that she'll miss him.
Ooga goes to see the bad judge and stabs him in the eye. judge dies.
girlfriend comes home and finds a briefcase its full of money. its from hambo. he made a fortune overseas selling his dolls here is some money.
It takes its good sweet time , Its silly  , would see it again.  2 1/2 stars.


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